
Hospitals are not short of oxygen cylinders in Mohali, said DC

Hospitals are not short of oxygen cylinders in Mohali, said DC. He recommends that oxygen cylinders can only be in use when a medical doctor has prescribed them.

He mentioned that appropriate steps are being taken to deter, treat, and mitigate the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. On Thursday, he arranged a summary meeting to determine the situation to arrange oxygen cylinders in Mohali.

“In each hospital with dedicated Covid-19-care blocks or beds, we are continuously checking the supply of oxygen. “At this time, each hospital has enough oxygen cylinder,” the DC said.

“However, several hospitals are raising concerns about the need for portable oxygen cylinders for transfer of patients for examinations, which has been successfully addressed,” the DC added.

He told residents that there is no need to be concerned. Because the demand for and use of any litre of medical oxygen gas cylinder in the Mohali district is closely controlled.

“Self-medication is not under recommendation, and if they detect a decrease in oxygen saturation, patients must be admitted without delay,” Dayalan added. Moreover, dismissing the need for oxygen cylinder for patients in home isolation. Furthermore, he said, a home supply of oxygen cylinders could contribute to hoarding.

The DC has requested that nursing schools have nursing students or volunteers to help with Covid-19 treatment. Many private hospitals in the district have devoted 50% to 75% of their health infrastructure to Covid-19 services. Also requiring extra staff such as physicians, nurses, and paramedics. They are to deal with the expanded number of beds, and oxygen cylinder he said.

“All nursing students desiring to assist in Covid-19 treatment will convey their consent to the district administration through their heads,” he said.

Dr. Rajinder Bhushan, who is in charge of the Government Hospital’s immunization program. He said that there are 60 beds in the civil hospital with oxygen cylinder supply. So there is no lack of life-saving gas and that we have WhatsApp groups of district hospitals, so oxygen is sent to hospitals when required. He also said that they have a supply of oxygen cylinders in mohali on hand.

Next Read: Chandigarh will get three oxygen plants

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