UT Advisor Manoj Parida in Chandigarh talks about the late imposition of restrictions tells why Chandigarh is not testing much. From the onset, the UT has always carried out fewer tests. Chandigarh’s research was also the least among many other states and UTs. The UT Advisor Manoj Parida has given answers to all the queries regarding the COVID 19 condition in Chandigarh.
Why lesser tests have been conducted in Chandigarh?
It is wholly baseless for us to run lesser tests. The World Health Organization guidelines require that there should be 140 tests per 10 lakh population. Since there are approximately 12 lakhs in Chandigarh, they have approximately 168 test results. However, at around 250-300 tests a day they perform double checks. The authorities follow the recommendations of the WHO and the ICMR. They observe and map the symptom of illnesses. Also, they have screened door-to-door and are about to complete the third round. Unnecessary testing is useless.
When things deteriorate in Chandigarh, what do you think of the measures?
So for now, we have to see if there are suitable medical services available, and we have enough facilities. We have 3,000 beds which are almost 10 times the active cases. The administration believes people with minor symptoms can be held in their own house and there are large houses for people in the area. Before the case of slums and colonies, things may have been complicated, but now we are still having sporadic cases from various sectors. When there are multiple cases from a colony or slum, we’ll talk about making it a safe area even then. The condition is now under control and we are now talking of micro containment zones.
What impression do you have of implementing a full lockdown?
According to health expert recommendations, when there is a complete lockdown of 15 days, this does not help cracking the COVID-19 chain. The Central government has executed well enough control for the last three to four months. You don’t know how long it will take now. Presume we are closing the whole town, what after that? The entire thing will continue all over again. For 15 days, we locked down Chandigarh and put all the infectious civilians in the hospital and disinfect the area. But even after that, 300 people from Delhi and other states will once again come to work or visit their friends and family and pass the disease on anyway.
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